Considering the VUCA circumstances we are in, we decided to make you a whitepaper on the biggest thing on everyone's mind - Pivots. We married research with our experience of being part of several pivots during our journey with our clients and have put together this Whitepaper which we call, Right on Pivot.
Right on Pivot is the largest whitepaper on pivots available today - for free.
It has showcases & deep-dives of some of the best known brands like Dropbox, Flickr, Instagram, Microsoft, Netflix, Practo, Shopify, Udaan, YouTube, Zetwerk.
A preview is below:

Why would you read this though?
Here is what's inside:
What is a pivot? Is it only for startups? Is it only for tech?
Is a pivot something I need to consider for my organization?
Who pivoted and how?
How do I do a pivot the right way?
This whitepaper has all the answers.