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TFTF | Oct 14, 2022

The fortnight thus far

Issue #90 | Reports & resources we loved in the last 15 days.

Oct 14, 2022


2 x Things that will affect you

1. Index of consumer sentiments rose by a robust 7.1% to a 30-month high in September

2. Some new venture firms are going really, really (really) niche


4 x 1-min perspectives to consider

1. An Industry thriving on a technical loophole.

2. Circular economy for food waste, just a concept on paper?

3. The Nexus between Govt and Tobacco giants.

4. Thinking of a business that cuts down middlemen? First, think ‘WHY’?


4 x Reports you need to read

1. Global Retail Banking 2022

Interest in sustainable investing is up 15pp in 6 years with 99% of millennials having shown considerable interest. About 80% of bank customers would disclose personal data to access new services. Know more about winning banks.

[ BCG > Full report here:

2. Raising the Resilience of your Organization

Cultivating organizational resilience requires diligence and a proactive approach can pay off later. 73% of organizations with inflexible behaviours were challenged by disruptions in 2020-2021. Is there scope for better?

[ McKinsey & Co. > Full report here:

3. Digital Disruption: New Face, Same Brutal Pace

Even early disruptors are having to respond to disruptive emerging technologies- 80% of them mainly operate in silos and <30% of their revenues are from digital channels. Why is embracing the latest tech architecture so crucial?

[ Bain & Co. > Full report here:

4. The Indian MSME Sector

The Micro sector alone accounts for 90% of the estimated 633.9 Lakh MSMEs in India. The MSME sector’s contribution to the Gross Value Added (GVA) in the country's GDP in FY 20 was 30%. Here’s an outlook on the MSME sector.

[ IBEF > Full report here:


Every article here has had 100s of hours of effort that have gone into making this relevant, insightful and concise. Due credit and thanks to all these professionals and organizations who toiled to put together these insights, of such high quality, for the use of businesses across the world.


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