India’s meat substitute market is poised to reach $48 Mn by 2026, advancing at a CAGR of 7.5%.
Consumers’ psyche in India- the driving force:
+ 82% see “healthy” as a more important buying factor
+ 63% are extremely likely to buy plant-based meat daily
Major international firms are venturing into this industry via partnerships, take ADM with Imagine Meats for instance.
But what is it?
Plant-based meats are products designed to imitate meat – matching its taste, look, and feel.
Getting to the nutri-gritty:
Your 4 oz ‘beyond meat burger’ v/s ground beef
+ Calories: 260 < > 340
+ Protein: 20g < > 17g
+ Saturated fat: 5g < > 12g
+ Sodium: 350mg < > 75mg
+ Iron: 4mg < > 1.8mg
+ Cholesterol: 0mg < > 95.2mg
What adds more meat?
More than 70% of Indians are protein deficient.
And almost everyone’s talking about health, sustainability, and animal welfare.
Looks like 2022 could be the crowning year of food made from plant-based proteins.
Have you had your “meat cute?” Yet?