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Amogh Giridhar
2 min read
Remote working was just tactical
I still see debates on the way forward on work balance. If work should continue to be remote, hybrid or work from office. No one rule...

Pradyumna Nag
2 min read
Cut out the Middleman? Why?
Why has the ‘middle-man’ become such a bad guy? Every other startup pitch tries to refer to him as something of an evil presence in the...

Prasiddhi Saraogi
1 min read
Who won the Infamous Brand Wars?
Consumers today have been spoilt for choice with the number of brands that compete in the same segment. We’ve all heard of infamous brand...

Amogh Giridhar
2 min read
Listen and learn, the mantra to sell.
As a sales guy, I have encountered multiple challenges to closing an account A lot of factors are external in nature and beyond our...

Karan Kumar
1 min read
Table for Two Please
Swiggy Set to Acquire Dineout Deal value expected to be around $150-$200M Let’s take a closer look at this move. No doubt it’s a duopoly...

Sakshi Bhansali
1 min read
Synergy, More Science than Art?
Overestimating revenue synergies was the most cited reason for deal failure. For this reason, today’s high-valuation environment calls...

Prasiddhi Saraogi
1 min read
What are you Buying into?
As modern day consumers, we are targeted by multiple brands across all domains. But what makes you complete a transaction? Packaging,...

Pradyumna Nag
2 min read
Open a little Pandora's box, it's hard to stop.
BharatPe & Trell’s recent controversy have been all over the news. But are these one-off things or the opening of a pandora’s box? Some...

Harsha SG
1 min read
Is Paytm playing it close to the chest?
Paytm’s listing was a nightmare the stock prices have slumped by ~70% from its listing price. Various theories are making the rounds. +...

Amogh Giridhar
2 min read
Simplifying goal setting
Goal setting is an important exercise both personally and professionally You’ll hear a lot about the whole process that may or not work...

Karan Kumar
1 min read
Financial Model beyond fund raise
Financial Modelling is Not Just an Activity for Fund Raise | It is a Strategic Tool Over the past 3 years, I have probably worked on ~100...

Rakesh Bordia
2 min read
Is Rupee-Ruble a fragile trade-off?
With western countries imposing sanctions on Russia, India and Russia have been working to fast track an alternative trade settlement...

Sakshi Bhansali
1 min read
Not your Regular Meat!
India’s meat substitute market is poised to reach $48 Mn by 2026, advancing at a CAGR of 7.5%. Consumers’ psyche in India- the driving...

2 min read
TFTF | Mar 15, 2022
TFTF, Thought leadership we loved this fortnight | Mar 15, 2022

Karan Kumar
1 min read
Sustainable Unicorn
How are Start-ups Valued? | And most importantly, is the right way? Funds raised until the companies make its’ debut in the stock market,...

Amogh Giridhar
2 min read
Gender stereotyping is a trend that fuels a lot of prejudice
Where does Stereotyping stem from? As a father of a 6.5 yr old girl child, when I try to shop for my daughter I am presented with options...

Amogh Giridhar
1 min read
Buzzwords are just proper-nouns without capabilities
Every start-up we know wants to have at least 1 or more of these as part of their capabilities > Big Data > Data Mining > Analytics >...

Pradyumna Nag
2 min read
Cracking unit economics in D2C
Direct-to-consumer brands have been raising a whole lot of money. The premise - Higher GMs by saving on lofty e-commerce or retail...

Rakesh Bordia
1 min read
Shortfall in Traditional finance making way for Crypto
The current geopolitical crisis has exposed the faulty lines in the traditional finance world and undermines the importance of crypto as...

Karan Kumar
1 min read
Netflix Acquires NEXTGAMES for $71.6 Million
The most important answer that we need to look for is. 1/ Why a gaming company? 2/ What may be ‘Ta-Dum’ behind this? We all know Netflix...
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