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Harsha SG
2 min read
An Industry thriving on a technical loophole
The size of the underground betting market in India was estimated to be at $130 Mn as of 2018 growing at a CAGR of ~7% as per reports....

2 min read
Influence or objectivity?
We are all swayed in our decision making – be it in buying a product or service. Traditionally known as word of mouth from friends and...

Karan Kumar
1 min read
Think its too late for your start-up?
Successful companies are built by young college dropouts. | Is Colonel Sanders the only example that you can think of for someone who...

Amogh Giridhar
2 min read
Importance of timing a strategy
A lesson in the importance of timing in strategy from World War 2. You might have the best plan on paper but how and more importantly...

2 min read
TFTF | June 06, 2022
TFTF, Thought leadership we loved this fortnight | June 06, 2022

2 min read
TFTF | May 16, 2022
TFTF, Thought leadership we loved this fortnight | May 16, 2022

Prasiddhi Saraogi
1 min read
What is Cigar Butt investing?
I was surfing through some investment articles and came across a term called cigar butt investing. Naturally it caught my fancy. So, I...

Prasiddhi Saraogi
1 min read
Unjudge Someone with The Human Library
In the walk of life, everyone you have an encounter with has a story to tell. ~8 billion people, 8 billion stories. Each one having...

Sakshi Bhansali
1 min read
Circular economy for food waste, just a concept on paper?
Every year, Indians waste about $14 Bn worth of food. Stats that’s worrying: + 10-20% of the food served at the weddings in India goes to...

Karan Kumar
1 min read
Philosophy of 'connecting more and communicating less', built Nike
Don’t market your product, market the purpose. In the world where we are bombarded with ads, emails and other forms of campaigns. In...

Prasiddhi Saraogi
1 min read
Zoom, a frenzy that is coming to an end?
It quite literally did that during the pandemic, for it went from $66 per share on the last day of 2019 to touching $568 in 10 months...

Karan Kumar
1 min read
Create a market if it doesn’t exist, the story of HubSpot
One of the most popular marketing strategies that we know today ‘Inbound marketing’ never existed until 2004, then HubSpot happened....

Karan Kumar
1 min read
Do the Unscalable, like AirBnb
Airbnb had a very humble beginning, just a couple of mattresses in their own apartment. That performed quiet well, soon the founders...

Prasiddhi Saraogi
1 min read
Useful thoughts to ponder upon by Kevin Kelly
With a plethora of experiences, on his 70th birthday, Kevin Kelly gave out 103 bits of advice for everyone to ponder over. Below are 10...

Karan Kumar
1 min read
Tesla's strategy behind Roadster
If it were any other start-up the first thing that the entrepreneur will focus on is building out an MVP, Minimum Viable Product. MVP...

Prasiddhi Saraogi
1 min read
A theory behind Twitter acquisition
Elon Musk bought Twitter. Why? No one can say for sure. But when I was having this conversation with my colleague, he mentioned that all...

2 min read
TFTF | May 02, 2022
TFTF, Thought leadership we loved this fortnight | May 02, 2022

Karan Kumar
2 min read
Adani Wilmar in the driving seat
FMCG industry will face a supply crunch, this will create a burn in your pockets. With majority of FMCG companies looking to pass on the...

Prasiddhi Saraogi
2 min read
Netflix loses 200k subscribers
Coming from a time when we had torrent, 15-minute shows with 15-minute advertisements and month long waits for the movie DVD to be...

Prasiddhi Saraogi
1 min read
Leveraging the value of Supply Chain
Many a man has turned his gold into smoke, very few can do the opposite. All hail ITC Limited. With over 100 years in the tobacco...
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