How to create a finance dashboard?
What is a finance dashboard?
A dashboard is more than just a snapshot view. It is a powerful management tool that allows CXOs to perform Root Cause Analysis (RCA) or alert Board Members on potential areas for improvement while highlighting wins and losses. A dashboard is the business analysed into a single slide which seeks to educate, clarify or explain what is working and what is not.

Finance is the true objective in business. But in most businesses, the power of finance is never unlocked. When finance understands your business, it gains the unique ability of becoming proactive and pragmatic.
Dashboards, like your services or products are not one size fits all.
When built well, they can be the only tool you need to educate, evaluate and escalate.
Finance is the true objective in business. But in most businesses, the power of finance is never unlocked. When finance understands your business, it gains the unique abilities of becoming proactive and pragmatic.
Introducing Prequate's
the only dashboard that really matters
Peter Drucker
Can a single screen answer all these questions about my business?
Of course.
It should in fact.
Are we on track as a business to achieve our plan? What is the real profitability of the business? What is the real growth in the business? Do we need to re-look at our pricing? Is the organization being run as efficiently as possible? How do we compare with our peers? How healthy is my cash flow position? Are we ensuring a strong level of governance as an organization? What are our top 5 red flags as a business? Are we doing well really? How compliant are we as a business?
Are we on track as a business to achieve our plan? What is the real profitability of the business? What is the real growth in the business? Do we need to re-look at our pricing? Is the organization being run as efficiently as possible? How do we compare with our peers? How healthy is my cash flow position? Are we ensuring a strong level of governance as an organization? What are our top 5 red flags as a business? Are we doing well really? How compliant are we as a business?

Continuous measurement to an evolving plan than static comparisons
Constructive evaluation than merely showcasing what went wrong
Analysis based on strengthening a business than just mitigating risk
Are we on track as a business to achieve our plan? What is the real profitability of the business? What is the real growth in the business? Do we need to re-look at our pricing? Is the organization being run as efficiently as possible? How do we compare with our peers? How healthy is my cash flow position? Are we ensuring a strong level of governance as an organization? What are our top 5 red flags as a business? Are we doing well really? How compliant are we as a business?

Emphasizing those aspects that matter than those that are just common practice
Balancing long term & short term risks than just overall emphasis
A diagnostic analysis than just highlighting data as unrelated events
Are we on track as a business to achieve our plan? What is the real profitability of the business? What is the real growth in the business? Do we need to re-look at our pricing? Is the organization being run as efficiently as possible? How do we compare with our peers? How healthy is my cash flow position? Are we ensuring a strong level of governance as an organization? What are our top 5 red flags as a business? Are we doing well really? How compliant are we as a business?
cash efficiently

Customized to the uniqueness of the business than rules of thumb
Root cause analysis of a problem than merely highlighting a number
Action oriented analysis than merely an academic exercises
Are we on track as a business to achieve our plan? What is the real profitability of the business? What is the real growth in the business? Do we need to re-look at our pricing? Is the organization being run as efficiently as possible? How do we compare with our peers? How healthy is my cash flow position? Are we ensuring a strong level of governance as an organization? What are our top 5 red flags as a business? Are we doing well really? How compliant are we as a business?

Measuring and tracking things that matter than just the financial aspects
Looking at overall health with a microscopic view of compliance
Measuring effectiveness than just the efficiency of board initiatives
Why Us?

When do you know you need
Alpha Metrics?
CXOs tend to ask a few questions that indicate the need for intelligent and diagnostic reporting in their organizations. If you identify with these yourself, there is a great chance that you will see tremendous value with Alpha Metrics.
“ We need to close our books of accounts a lot faster. Monthly close takes weeks, sometimes - months. “
“ I feel that there can be a better way to look at our financial management and improve cash flow. “
“ Our finance team’s reports are mostly for statutory reporting and regulators. Can they be used to help me manage business better? “
“ My CFO’s role has been mostly to manage the finance team’s operations. “
“ Can there be more 'proactive'ness from my finance team? I rely on them only for post-mortem now! “
“ I do not get ‘intelligence’ from my finance team. Mostly requested reports, not very actionable though. “
“ I do get an MIS. A Balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, some accounting schedules and some information I have identified as necessary. “
Do any of these sound familiar?
I'll decide later.